Playground Surfacing & the Proposed AODA

The fact that persons of all abilities have the right to access playgrounds is proposed to be reinforced in law in Ontario in 2010. This will affect every playground owner/operator and they will have to understand the requirements as they apply to design, installation and maintenance. Although inspection, enforcement and penalties have not yet been determined, the owner can be assured that there will be consequences for noncompliance.

Surfacing & the Proposed AODA PDF

Are Protective Surfacing Standards Adequate?

Any examination of the adequacy of playground protective surfacing must include the mechanics of play, and the benefits of play in relation to the potential of an injury to the participant.

Are Surf-Standards Adequate PDF

Get More out of Your Playground Buy Better

As we enter troubled economic times, we all must be very careful to get the best value for our money. Playground purchases will go through fundamental changes as value becomes the catchphrase of 2009 and the successful playground will find a balance between play value, injury prevention and cost. Failure will have consequences for the purchasing team, the manufacturer/suppliers, the maintenance team & mostly the community. 

Get More out of Your Playground PDF

The Perfect Playground Surface Does Not Exist

The perfect playground surface must have excellent impact attenuating properties to protect from injuries, while providing access to all of the play components for persons of all abilities. This surface requires little or no maintenance at the time of installation and throughout the functional life of the playground. It would also be ideal if the costs associated with the surface were minimal.

Perfect Surface Does Not Exist PDF

Impact Attenuation and Injury Reduction

The playground must provide challenging play opportunities balanced with the protection of the child from the life threatening or debilitating injury. Children understand some of the injury risks they are subject to, but not the potential severity and therefore it is the responsibility of the stakeholders to create standards, practices, products and procedures to reduce the severity of any injury that could occur.

Impact Atten-Injury Reduction PDF

Problems & Solutions for Accessible Playground Surfacing

Providing accessibility in a playground presents challenges for designers, manufacturers and owners from the perspective of providing challenging equipment and surfaces that are both traversable and protect the child from injury.

Problems-Solutions Access-Surf PDF


EVERPLAY Installation  Inc.
18 Automatic Road
Unit 12
Brampton Ontario, Canada
L6S 5N5

Toll: 1-888-EVERPLAY
Local:  647-212-0707


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