Playground Protective Surfacing

Playground protective surfacing must absorb impact to the body as a result of a fall to the surface for the "functional life" of the playground. Additional requirements will include the need to be firm, stable and slip resistant and not shrink, sink or otherwise fail. At the present time these surfaces must be tested to ASTM F1292 or ASTM 3313, follow the ASTM F2479 guidance and comply with the soon to be published ASTM performance standard for poured-in-place surfaces. This new standard will contain a summary of the requirements under the ADA for the accessible route in the playground. The playground accessible route must meet the requirements of CSA Z614-14, Annex H in Canada and the Department of Justice 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.

Playgrounds Accessible Route Through a Loose-Fill Playgrounds

Accessible Routes or Routes of Travel are key to the facilitation of travel by persons of all abilities. These routes, although beneficial to all users, have certain minimum requirements to assist those with disabilities. There will be situations where the entire playground surface will need to be accessible and therefore the EVERPLAY "in situ" or SMARTE system might be the most appropriate, whereas there will be other circumstances where there will only be a need for an accessible route through loose-fill materials and then the PLAYMATS or SMARTE can be used. We will present both applications for your better understanding.

The playground accessible route must meet the requirements of CSA Z614-14, Annex H in Canada and the Department of Justice 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.


EVERPLAY Installation  Inc.
18 Automatic Road
Unit 12
Brampton Ontario, Canada
L6S 5N5

Toll: 1-888-EVERPLAY
Local:  647-212-0707

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