Protecting Children from Surface Impact Injuries

Play is the self-directed activity of the participant presented with a graduated challenge of their own choosing. This is not restricted to the formalized play structure that is found in parks and school yards, however that setting will be the central point of this paper. The key focus will be on...

Protecting Children Impact PDF

Turf Playing Surface Testing E-Missile and Infill Depth

There is a need to provide a Test Method for testing Turf Playing Systems using the ASTM F355 E missile with the Triax2015 E. This test method is to be utilized on all synthetic turf and natural turf systems designed for American Football, Soccer, men’s and women’s Lacrosse and unlined fields used for recreational games such as the aforementioned...

Turf Playing surfaces E-Missle PDF

Impact Attenuation Values & Prevention of Head Injuries on Sports Fields

In the United States in the period from 2001 to 2005, there were more than 560 000 football- and soccer-related injuries per year among all age groups that resulted in an emergency department (ED) visit, and over 32 000 were traumatic brain injuries...

Impact Atten-Values & Prevention PDF

Impact Attenuation Values & Prevention of Head Injuries in Playgrounds

There are more than 225,000 playground related injuries per year in the United States that result in an emergency room visit, and over 16,000 are traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and approximately 350 of those with TBI are admitted to hospital. It is suggested that TBI, especially in children is underreported by as much as 10 fold...

Impact Atten-vlaues & Prevention PDF


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